Given the record net accumulation in June (truly amazing new record) - it is staggering to see July net accumulation at this level. in essence, the greed is amazing haha. Must be pretty big news coming imo
The action of the day was, in essence, a typical sell off for the mtro capping region - until it got to last close. There was a beautiful squeeze on it, and bought up instantly. Given that was a negative sentiment price for most, its either shorters buying back, or more fund accumulation. NOt sure which Famous last words on this stock, but expecting imminent...
Stunning, reading the sentiment across the board, given the weeks since mass accumulation are all bullish in the movement. You have to respect the players here. Sentiment control is staggering, as they collect all they require. Next chart , daily
I will keep this simple my friends. Your news/hope. is just here. If it does not arrive within 10 days, i am very happy to call myself , and any credibility, destroyed Allow for volatility and movement Monday / Tuesday, and you, imo, will do very well Just be careful. Time out well. Because when sector norm returns to mtro, down she will most likely go
For the first time since Covid19 lows, we have had three weeks down. This plays into near term concept of related comment, link attached. The next 1-2 weeks will give us a very good outllook into the summer/autumn period
A key price has presented itself over the last few months. Much can be gauged from it
It affirms the June record accumulations. First breakout from June close support, without gap market interference. This could be a very good month in MTRO
Record accumulation in June, suggests imminent movement on the news front. DYOR