YFI step cuisine CRV def worth a long position and scoopCrazy... what a ride this one has been for me. as you can see I have not taken a ride on this old DeFi Milf in a bit but man is she worthy and taught me most the trisks I still use to this day.. no not my fav orite booty call mild from back in the day, but YFI that old ho3 whos yfi was earned in a pre mine i turned my nose up at but then started ridding her whenever it made sense and few to many time it didnt.... I put that bottom yellow or white skinny "buy box" in the bottom of the chart as a last resort, semi joke and more just charting what I saw even if at the time my brain could not conceptualize the crypto market truly dumping to levels we r now seeing. we could see r fav alts/ lol this is why u tune out the noise and try and just keep it simple and keep doing whatever is working, just that nothing more or less.
scoop some YFI n forget about her for a bit.
get some and realize the dark secret here is know one knew, esp not the creators, that these projects would get as big as they have ie this much value locked in their contracts. the genius of early crypto defi. ie much much easier to get on then off. this asset class will just continue to grow and grow and grow like mushrooms, if the conditions r rite, they just go n go.... My point is these "voting rite or whatever the new fandangle term being used is it still comes down to strait up voting shares. this strait up = controlling shares of this company.
no matter how many self yield and cross chain rapped token versions they come up with the fact remains, you vote with CRV (same with many projects like n esp YFI) for long term, control of these companies projects whatever, whoever controls majority of these tokens will run sh1t and get paid like it and thats that. if not rite away then some how someway this is the heart of these companies. control this you control the project and its stacked up liquidity.