Bankbees & Junior bees
The market is extremely volatile right now, making it hard to predict the future. All indexes have corrected by about 15% to 20%, while stocks have corrected by between 30% to 50%.
The greatest approach to safeguard your money during this volatility is to invest in index-based funds.
The ideal approach to invest is with a bank nifty ETF (bankbees) and a midcap nifty ETF (jouniorbees). I believe that anyone who invests the amount and sits with patience will reap a good result.
Juniorbees might attempt to reach 751, 800 ++, and the Banknifty might attempt to reach 540, 550 ++, in my opinion.
Please don't take it personally; this is only for educational purposes.
Kindly consult your financial advisor before to making any investments.