SPX and Fed Liabilities+Capital Correlation since 2017 (UPDATED)Updated this to the weekly chart timeframe as I want weekly close updates, not Wednesday updates (that's when the fed data is listed)by taylorbrayUpdated 2
The US Treasury cash rebuild; volmageddon or a nothing burger While Congress still needs to pass the debt limit agreement, the debate in the market has shifted to the need for the US Treasury Department (UST) to rapidly rebuild its depleted cash levels. We have no understanding of the timetable, but already the debate is whether the significant level of TreaEducationby Pepperstone5530
SPX and Fed Liabilities+Capital Correlation since 2017Banking crisis saved this divergence. What happens when bank deposit outflows slow (which MMF inflows data suggests will happen, so far) and the Fed is free to go back to unloading the balance sheet?by taylorbrayUpdated 2