NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR / U.S. DOLLAR (NZDUSD) DailyThe Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. The Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames.
Dates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR / U.S. DOLLAR (NZDUSD) WeeklyThe Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. The Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames.
Dates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
NZDUSD H1 Sell/ShortWe can see a triangle pattern forming on the H1 chart in NZDUSD
We can enter in this trade two ways in a short position
1. Entry at Reversal from the trend resistance and see if it breaks downside, if it breaks downside there is a minor support which can push the price up from there, then we will exit the trade with 3% profit and if it breaks the support also then we will exit the trade in Target 2 with 7.50% profit.
Stop Loss : 2%
Profit Target : 3% < 7.50%
2. This trade will be possible if the price breaks downside the triangle and supported by the Minor support then a retest to the trend support but couldn't break it, then we can enter a short position and exit with 6% profit, in this trade the Stop-Loss should be 0.80%
Stop Loss : 0.80%
Profit Target : 6%
NZDUSD LONG! What's left of Buy-Levels on DailyNZDUSD Index is testing very deep on Buy-Zones; three more levels to the downside due for test depending on DXYs' strength.
Note: This Idea is to complement your research.
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NZDUSD LONG! A Possibility! Current test at 0.61853/ 0.61802Follow through with previous Ideas for general overview.
Trend-line not included on chart cuts between 0.63397 and 0.63666
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NZDUSD has potential to go up for 300 pips!currently we are seeing price inside a bearish trend channel and rejecting previous weekly support level, we need to wait for weekly candle close to see market bias more clearly and also for confirmed our double bottom formation is real, we have 300 pips room to go up if buyer manage to hold and push price to the 0.6570 resistance level. be patient!
**Disclaimer** the content on this analysis is subject to change at any time without notice, and is provided for the sole purpose of assisting traders to make independent investment decisions.
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NZD/USD, Trading plan for next week.In this video, u will learn where u can open accurate entry on next week.
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NZDUSD has potential to go up for 230 pips!Main structure remain bearish but we can see price is on weekly support level and has potential to form a double bottom formation if demand is able to exceed supply at this level, we need to wait for the price to decelerate and must ensure that the long call signal is valid before placing any buy order. be patient!
**Disclaimer** the content on this analysis is subject to change at any time without notice, and is provided for the sole purpose of assisting traders to make independent investment decisions.
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