After some time, I forgot to update this idea. It was stopped around august 2019 with a marginal profit. As it was sideways for several weeks. After that the market rallied and before the COVID19 hit Europe around January we started thinking if China would be able to keep the virus within it's borders. So we shorted the SPY, IBOV, and went short EURJPY.
With a very small portion of the capital as nobody as a clue about the future with the present data.
Two possible things can happen fron now on:
1st Economy reopening and slow going back to the 'normal' across the globe.
2nd a new wave of the virus. Which could cause a crash similar to the 1929-1932 as well as the Chinese Coronavirus to be conteined in 3 years, similar the Spanish flu (Jan1918 to Dec1920).
Now, we are not opening any long term positions and only trading within a week time horizon.